Thursday, 6 Mar 2025

A Normal Weekday at Mallard Lake Inpatient Rehab in Houston

What’s It Like to Spend a Day in Rehab?  

In order to obtain the therapy you need for a drug abuse issue, you must remain on-premises and miss hours from work, relatives, and school for a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week program known as an inpatient or residential rehab. Not everybody needs inpatient therapy. Rehab is meant to keep you safe, help you begin the process of healing, and prevent you from relapsing.

Following inpatient and residential therapy, intense outpatient, and outpatient programs are the next three options. As a rule, outpatient programs give fewer than 9 hours of therapy each week, but you may still get help at home.

Sober living residences are another option for those in recovery. There is no treatment in most sober living homes; nevertheless, there is an opportunity for members to meet and hold each other responsible, share cleaning responsibilities, and encourage or mandate participation in self-help, 12-Step programs.

A Day of Inpatient Treatment

You may have questions about what it’s like to be in a drug rehabilitation program, whether persons are permitted to leave on the weekends, and what people in recovery do daily while in rehab. Treatments for drug and alcohol addiction are systematic, but no two are comparable.

Morning Routines 

When patients receive inpatient rehabilitation, they are not allowed to sleep beyond their scheduled bedtime. To start your day off well, you should plan to rise and shine early and have a nutritious breakfast. Most programs include morning classes like yoga or meditation to help you get your day off to a peaceful start. Addiction therapy and rehabilitation strongly emphasize establishing new, healthy habits that will serve as a foundation for long-term sobriety.

It is common to attend a group therapy session after breakfast and solo meditation. All aspects of addiction therapy, including 12-step programs, illness information, healthy coping mechanisms, and post-treatment maintenance, are addressed in these sessions.

Intensive Therapy in The Afternoons 

After a healthy meal, you’ll likely begin a series of therapy sessions. Here are some of the highlights from these rigorous sessions:

  • Life Skills Training — Even though each addict’s path to recovery is unique, they may all benefit from personalized life skills training. Developing a healthy routine, job coaching, money management, and effective communication skills are all examples of life skills training that is essential for long-term health and happiness in recovery.


After a hearty meal, you may participate in a post-dinner discussion. Twelve-step meetings are often conducted at night at recovery facilities for drug addiction. The post-rehab care plan includes these sessions as an essential part of the recovery process from drug abuse. These get-togethers are a secure, friendly, harmonious, anonymous, and supportive place for people to get together.

Find Houston’s Best Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities

Now that you’ve seen what a regular day in recovery looks like, plenty of your worries should be gone. If you or anyone you love is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, reach out to Mallard Lake Detox Center right now. Our experienced treatment team offers support with a comprehensive treatment approach that includes the client’s emotional, physical, and general well-being.