Art Jog 2018: The Awe-inspiring Art Exhibition in Yogyakarta

As the cultural hub of Java, Yogyakarta (or Jogjakarta) has always been renowned for its art scene. The former capital of Indonesia continues to be among the urgent centers of art in Indonesia. ART JOG Exhibition is the right place for people who appreciate the beauty of art in its various forms.
The yearly event continues to offer a different perspective to view the world through art. The event is engaging many artists, art collectors, and gallery operators from Indonesia and all over the world.
Through open call program, ART JOG provides that an opportunity for emerging artists as well as the public, in general, to take part by sending their artworks which will be chosen and curated by the curators. At the same time, it’s also a means to scout upcoming talents from all form of arts as it accommodates various kinds of a medium, from painting, images, picture, installation, multi-dimension, sculpture, mechanic-kinetic, performance art, and more.
One of the most notable attractions at ART JOG is the transformation of the front yard of the place. ARTJOG commissions artists to makeover the front face of a building or the front yard where the display is held. This is the star of ART JOG and had never failed to draw the interest of its visitors.
As an art event, ART JOG was dedicating itself for 10 years to construct a local community and create a global connection of visual arts communities. For visitors, It’s the perfect opportunity to observe the best Artworks from all around the globe.